One-Liner Wednesday: Fall Beauty Overload?

After a slow start, the leaves have turned brilliant. I often drive the Blue Ridge Parkway as I shuttle my son around. Since mid-October, I’ve been gasping in wonder as we round each bend of the parkway. With my hands on the wheel and my eyes mostly on the road, I’ve begged my son to take pictures of the fiery orange, vivid red, or glowing golden leaves. He’s a good sport, so he takes them.

Last week, I oohed and aahed over the leaves as we drove along. My son was silent. I said, “David, don’t you just feel overwhelmed by all this beauty?”

He thought for a minute. “Growing up in Asheville, I’ve been spoiled in fall splendor.”

Here’s a taste of Fall Splendor 2017 (photos taken 10/27/17 at Montreat College):

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nf-badge-1linerweds-2017This is my first stab at the One-Liner Wednesday event, hosted each week by Linda G. Hill. To read the rules—which I’ve bent by including an intro to my son’s one-liner—click here. You can read other “One-Liner Wednesday” posts by clicking on pingbacks in the comments on Linda’s post.

14 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday: Fall Beauty Overload?

  1. Pingback: Colorful Trees with a Twist of NaNoWriMo | sappy as a tree: celebrating beauty in creation

  2. Pingback: So Many Fall Photos, So Little Time | sappy as a tree: celebrating beauty in creation

  3. Love this post and the pics. We love Black Mountain and Montreat and will be there this Thanksgiving at Andrew’s parent’s as usual. This year, Andrew and I will actually be staying at Assembly Inn because our daughter Adrienne and her new husband will be staying in our usual room. Adrienne married Eliot Kaufmann, Dr. Kaufmann’s grandson. Which made us so happy. Blessings to you and maybe one day our paths will cross! Allison

    Liked by 1 person

    • Maybe our paths will cross? Congratulations to your daughter! I think my nephew, who lived on the same hall as Eliot, went to her wedding. Small world! I didn’t realize Andrew’s parents had a connection to Black Mountain. I first went to Montreat in the 1970s when my family drove all the way from Arkansas for a conference. I fell in love with mountains on that trip.


    • Thanks, John. The last week of October was quite busy, but it hit me that a one-liner post is supposed to be short.

      Yes, Asheville, NC (named for Governor Samuel Ashe). There are some Ashvilles, but Asheville seems to be unique—and very pretty in the fall.


    • You’re right about his being self-aware, Dan, though I hadn’t thought of it that way: being the baby of the family, he’s both old for his age and young for his age at the same time. He also has a knack for one-liners, so I’m going to keep my ear open.

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    • Thank you! Montreat’s campus is pretty any time of year, really, but I thought the reflections on the lake were lovely. Interesting that you have a connection with Montreat; I’m not sure when the name was changed? Like many small colleges, Montreat has had some challenges, but it’s hanging in there.

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